dabbleplayart.com - Non-Toxic Finger Paints, Organic Crayons, Glue, Brushes & Art Sets – Dabble PlayArt

Description: Buy Child's First Non-toxic Finger Paints, Organic Beeswax Crayons, Toddler Paint Brushes, Child Safe Kids' Glue, and Baby's First Art Sets and Canvas

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Let the reds roar, the blues blow horns, the greens grow and the yellows yell. Hurray! Our art products are toxin-free, chemical-free, worry-free for you mommas and papas. Made with earth-friendly ingredients that are child-safe, they let kids make friends with colours.

*Illustrations by dabbler Chiara

A unique formulation that contains  natural textures & fragrance from coconut & sweet orange oil  – which  stimulates multi-sensory perception and fine motor skills  for kids.