d3ssp.org - D3 Space Solar Proposal

Example domain paragraphs

Clean – Constant – Global

Space Based Solar Power is a way the United States can take leadership—in space, on energy, on climate change.  We propose the United States begin a program in Space-Based Solar Power.  And we have defined the milestones and investment.  Join US, and let’s turn the proposal into reality.

In 2015 a challenge was issued across the Department of Defense, Department of State, and the US Agency for International Development for the best ideas to advance U.S. diplomacy, defense and development (the 3 D’s of foreign policy).  Of 500 ideas submitted, our multi-agency-industry submission was in the top 1% of ideas chosen to present at the D3 innovation summit.  This idea won the INNOVATION award.  It won the PEOPLE’s CHOICE award.  It won best interagency COLLABORATION, and also best PRESENTATION. 

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