d27n.com - d27n

Description: d27n builds app for mobile, web, big data, and IT. Located in Portland, OR, we're seasoned Silicon Valley engineers.

mobile (12979) android (9188) ios (6277) java (6058) python (3834) aws (1306) ios app (215) amazon web services (147) ec2 (59) d27n (1)

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A Portland, OR–based software design group. We're seasoned Valley veterans from the San Francisco Bay Area who happen to like trees and beer. We've done Fortune 50, your local hardware store , and everything inbetween.

Because everyone needs more email. We mostly want to say nice things about you, which you totally shouldn't miss.

We choose the best tools for the job. And if you have an existing app or site, we're likely already familiar with your stack.

Links to d27n.com (2)