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Hearing news of break-ins and home invasions can be a frightening experience. Nevertheless, there are many steps you can take to improve your home security and drastically reduce the chances of becoming a statistic. For instance, having your locks checked by professional  locksmiths Adelaide  is a great place to start for those in the region. Below are tips for improving your home security:

Investing in quality security doors and windows with heavy-duty locks will significantly reduce the chances of an intruder gaining access to your home. Look for locks with a grade 1 rating, giving you maximum security against forced entry. If you have windows that are easily accessible from the outside, add an extra layer of protection with bars or window grilles.

Adding motion-sensing lights around the perimeter of your home is an excellent deterrent to criminals who prey on dark houses. This type of light will automatically turn on after detecting movement and will blind any intruder while alerting you to their presence.

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