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Description: The International Cytokine & Interferon Society. (ICIS ), is the premier organization promoting the field of cytokine and interferon biology across many different research disciplines at a time when cytokine biology, cytokine biomarkers and cytokine therapeutics are revolutionizing modern medicine. As the scientific family for over 1,250 scientists and physicians, the ICIS fosters career development, recognizes excellence in cytokine & interferon research and serves as a pipeline to ultimately translate the

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The International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), is a non-profit organization of over 1,050 scientists devoted to research in the fields of cytokine, interferon and chemokine cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and the clinical use of these biological response modifiers. Bringing together scientists across many different research disciplines, ICIS is the premier organization promoting the field of cytokine biology, impacting all aspects of medicine and leading to new treatments in autoimmun

Voting is currently open for the 2023 International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) for President-Elect, Council, Junior Council and Nominating Committee

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