- Circle Of Fifths

guitar (5647) piano (5574) music theory (300) circle of fifths (21) key signatures (8) major and minor scales (3)

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The Circle of Fifths is a powerful tool for understanding music theory and composition. It is a visual representation of the relationships between different musical keys and chords, and can be used to help musicians navigate different harmonic progressions and key changes.

The Circle of Fifths is a circle divided into twelve equal parts, with each part representing a different musical key. The keys are arranged in a clockwise fashion, starting with C major at the top and ending with C# major at the bottom. Each key is separated by a fifth interval, hence the name "Circle of Fifths." The Circle of Fifths is a useful tool for understanding the relationships between different keys and chords. For example, by starting on C major and moving clockwise around the circle, we can see

Key of C on Piano.