- Coventry and Warwickshire COVID-19 Portal

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Antibody testing and Test & Trace for GP practice staff Minimising nosocomial infections in the NHS

If a member of staff develops symptoms of COVID-19 they should follow the stay at home guidance, and get tested as soon as possible. Click HERE to book your test. If the result is negative, the advice from Public Health England states that they “can return to work when they are medically fit to do so, following discussion with their line manager and appropriate local risk assessment. Interpret negative results with caution together with clinical assessment.”

If they test positive, they can return to work after seven days, unless they still have symptoms other than a cough or loss of sense of smell/taste, in which case they must continue to self-isolate until they feel better. Where a member of NHS staff tests positive for coronavirus, the starting point is that the Test and Trace self-isolation rules apply as anywhere else, and close contacts must self isolate if the NHS test and trace service advises them to do so.