- Cute Cat Videos

Description: Watch the best and funniest cat videos from YouTube! Includes cute cats, cat tricks, goofy cats, cats playing piano, or cats with other animals.

videos (14747) cat (3807)

Example domain paragraphs

This site is family-friendly. I post only videos that both children and adults can enjoy--and videos that truly are enjoyable (not boring, derogatory, hateful, or any such like). YouTube is full of cat videos, and you could search for cat videos there, but there are drawbacks: YouTube contains tons of links to other related videos that sometimes you don't want your children to see. The videos often have comments, and some of those can be nasty, rude, or even vile, if the video owner has not been moderating

GOLDEN MUSIC... by 24K Gold Music, my FAVORITE group.

Watch some more here!