- Idaho Firearms Engraving

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Embellishment by engraving is an art form that has existed since man first learned to refine and work metals. Techniques have evolved and changed through the centuries, but it is still, traditionally, taking one piece of metal, which is harder and sharper than another, and using it by hand to skillfully and artistically remove material from the latter.

The other drop down sections provide information on having an item engraved and the process involved.

Keep in mind, hand engraving is not a simple, quick turn around process. It is not the same as going down to the local trophy shop and having a plaque engraved for an event with a routing engraver machine. There are also other techniques which achieve "engraved like" effects such as the use of stamping, roll stamping, laser cutting, and rotary grinding. These techniques are commonly used for automated production. None of those processes are used here. Every engraving job done is a one of a kind being design