- How to Select a Cult Expert - Cult Experts

Description: The term cult expert is not protected. Anyone can use it regardless of ability, approach, or level of acceptance. Choose cult experts wisely.

Example domain paragraphs

A research resource for parents and friends of people involved in cults or other high-demand relationships. Also used by pastors and counselors, as well as writers, journalists, and reporters.

Countless people are — or have been — trapped in “High Demand” groups. Such groups may be manipulative cults, cult-like social movements, abusive churches, or even destructive personal relationships. [See: What is a cult? ] Many manage to leave on their own or with the help of friends and family. 1 Others need professional help and subsequent counseling. Professional help may be provided by psychologists, counselors, or other mental health professionals. Some professionals – as well as lay people – speciali

When you are looking for help – for yourself or for someone else – you come across various terms and designations. For example: “cult expert,” “counselor,” “thought reform counselor,” “lecturer,” “exit counselor,” “intervention specialist,” “cult specialist,” “cult deprogrammer,” “court expert,” “cult watcher,” “cult hunter,” “cult tracker,” and so on. In the media, cult experts are still often referred to as ‘deprogrammers’ – people who ‘deprogram’ someone who has been ‘programmed’ by ‘brainwashing’ or ‘mi