- Culinary Tours of Paris

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It is hardly a secret that France claims to be the gastronomic capital of the world. It is equally well known that France lives up to this reputation. So  many of the people that come here to Paris come here to eat, but the  overwhelming amount of choices and language barrier can be a bit  intimidating. To many in France, the best dishes are quite often the simplest. 

We  began our tours in 2010 with the intention of showing that real,  down-to-Earth French cuisine is not only delicious, but quite approachable as well. The tours combine eating wonderful French food and  a walking tour of Paris’ best neighborhoods. We sit down at all  restaurants and take our time to enjoy the food and each other’s company. We hope that  you join us so that we can show you what makes this country, and this city so  special.

For the Montmartre tour we have three stops: one for the starter, one for the main course, and one  for the dessert. Wine or cider will be served at all three stops.