- Culicidae Press

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As a peer-reviewed  better-business-accredited  publishing house—founded in Ames, Iowa, in 2005—we serve creative writers and their readers with superbly designed books in all available formats (ebook, paperback, hardcover, casewrap, and audio). Our books are available locally , worldwide online, and in brick-and-mortar stores as well as directly through us.

We do take publishing seriously, but we also have fun designing books, sharing stories with authors, and hearing back from their readers how a particular book changed their life. Such is the power of books…

For us publishing means to  make public , to share with the world what you, as author, have created over many months, moons, and sometimes, years. Unlike most publishers, we think of the relationship with you as a partnership in which both of us are equal collaborators who want to share ideas and stories widely, while benefitting equally.