cte.careers - Nontraditional Careers in CTE and STEM - Engineer Inclusion

Description: A nontraditional career is any one in which a single gender represents less than 25% of the total. Access free resources and explore services by Engineer Inclusion.

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Auto Mechanic Electrician Computer Science Law Enforcement HVAC Construction Management Fire Management Culinary Arts Welding Non-traditional Careers for Men Massage Therapy Nursing Early Childhood Education Cosmetology Dental Hygienist Medical Office Specialist Administrative Professional A nontraditional career is a U.S. federal distinction guided primarily by the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006. Educational institutions may receive Perkins funding for Career and Technical Educa

Engineer Inclusion partners with educational institutions to build capacity for your comprehensive local needs analysis. Contact us and let’s brainstorm a solution to best meet your goals and budget.

Previous Next There are numerous root causes for why people don’t pursue and persist in nontraditional pathways.  One of the root causes  is a lack of role models. This is related to self-efficacy, the belief one has in their ability to complete a task. One of the sources of self-efficacy is vicarious experiences, or the observation of models. Seeing someone perform a task or meeting someone who looks like them who’s in a career or pathway can over time increase someone’s belief they can do a task, and incr