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Description: Core-Selective Evaluation Process is an efficient and comprehensive approach to identify students with SLD.

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Core Selective Evaluation Process

C-SEP (Core-Selective Evaluation Process) is an efficient and comprehensive approach to identify students with Specific Learning Disability (SLD) by determining a pattern of strengths and weaknesses using the core tests of the Woodcock-Johnson (WJ) IV, Wechsler or Kaufman Batteries with additional "selective" testing conducted as needed. Each assessment contains a "core" set of tests that provides a representative survey of abilities measured by the battery. Examiners can selectively administer additional t

C-SEP was conceptualized following the release of major revisions and improvements of individualized norm-referenced cognitive, language, and achievement tests. With the release of the new versions of test batteries, a decade of change of SLD identification, and feedback from the field, using C-SEP to identify SLD represents an approach that is efficient, precise, and comprehensive. This process was developed after a critical analysis of all published “third method” PSW approaches and incorporated the stren