- CrossFatty

Description: A journey from fat to fit.

health (20277) fitness (16945) crossfit (1123) paleo (269) confession (75)

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So, this year was a tough one. Looking back on my progress I can’t help but wince at the fact that there wasn’t any. Or, to be more precise, there was forward momentum followed by some serious backsliding.

In the gorgeous dawn of 2015, I was on point. I was making use of the tools that have proven the most effective for me: Crossfit, long walks, Paleo(-ish) diet, and intermittent fasting. I was moving with purpose from fatass to badass and the span from January to June was full of solid gains and real transformation. I went from an extremely doughy 320 pounds to a relatively lean and muscular 275. I was getting some good sleep and felt healthy and strong pretty much all the time. It was great. I could feel th

I even came kinda close to two unassisted pull-ups! (Almost. Once.)