- Greg MastersCrony Books | The website of Greg Masters, writer, editor, publisher

Description: I.B. Singer,Bernadette Mayer,Age of Mimeo,Animal Logic,Bluestones and Salt Hay,Buzzcocks,William Burroughs: Letters to Allen Ginsberg,Blaise Cendrars,Miles Davis,Allen Ginsberg,Charlie Haden,Richard Hell,Amanda Uprichard,Deborah Holland,Mag City,Edgar Lee Masters,Eileen Myles,Gertrude Stein,Chuck Wachtel,William Carlos Williams/Marcia Nardi,Woodstock,Wordsworth,Colette Alvarez Urbajtel,Suzanne Anker,Chet Augustine,Milton Avery,Adam Bartos,Jean-Michel Basquiat,Peter Bellamy,Joseph Beuys,Ronald Bladen,Chris B

Example domain paragraphs

January 2022 – A collection of new poems, some of which settle with past bewilderment, some retaliate against immoral acts, while others try to match the lift of music and find delight in hill towns. Freud is imagined as a shrink of the Old West and there’s a formula for settling a restaurant check for a table with imbibers and non-imbibers.

The critics speak:

It is a complete pleasure! I so vividly hear your voice in every word, and your humor, and your generosity of spirit, as well as your sensitivity and the pain of old hurts and the pain of the world at large…You are such an astute and very amusing chroncler of your life and times. – Gyorgyi Voros