- Cricketleg Creative -

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Cards for Ukraine–a movement in the papercrafting world to show support for the Ukraine. As we watch the horror that is happening in the Ukraine, we all feel heartbroken. And helpless to change anything. Many in the cardmaking world have spoken of Ukrainian cardmaking friends who are either in Ukraine or have family there. Personally,… read more

You can make really sweet and simple one-layer cards with very few stamps. I love a really juicy intricate card. They usually take a while, but when you look at the final product you’re super satisfied with the results. Here’s the thing though….you can actually make a beautiful, sweet card with a simple design. It… read more

Using AirTable can help you keep track and inventory all your stamps, dies, stencils, and more! And I have a BONUS idea at the end. Hey there! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve blogged. Where’ve I been? I took some time off (from blogging, not paper crafting) to rest, think, improve my skills, etc.… read more