- CreationWiki

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The Creation Wiki is an educational encyclopedia that has been written from the Biblical worldview . Our international editors have created 10,415 articles with 7,259 in English. To edit existing pages or create new articles signup for an account .

The Ark Encounter is a full-scale Noah's Ark tourist attraction that opened in 2016 and is operated by Answers in Genesis. Answers in Genesis partnered with a private for-profit company to build it. The ark cost $100 million and is 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high, based on the dimensions given in the Bible. It is described as the largest timber-frame structure in America and the world. ...Full article

Information is a term derived from the Latin verb informare meaning "to give form to the mind", "to discipline", "instruct", "teach". Information is generally understood as knowledge or facts that one has acquired. However, in some areas of science information is defined differently and often ambiguously. To creation science, it is information (God's word) that underlies the fine-tuning of the universe. Furthermore the existence of biological information inside every cell (DNA and RNA) provides what is perh

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