- Creation Science Today - Scientific evidence for creation

Description: This is a review of evolution and creation doctrine. This site exposes poor science and assumptions associated with evolutionary theory, and presents compelling scientific evidence for Divine Creation—evidences in the fields of physics, biology, geology, and many other areas of science.

creation science (30) evolutionary theory (14) catastrophism (11) creation versus evolution (4) biblical creation (4) scientific creationism (3) noah’s flood (2) assumption of evolution (1) worldwide flood (1) edenic curse (1)

Example domain paragraphs

evolution – The Greatest Deception in Modern History. Scientific Evidence for Divine Creation “…a  tour de force  that strongly refutes evolution/long age.” “…a  Must read ! It is captivating and compelling…covers all the bases.” World in Denial – Defiant Nature of Mankind Historic and Prophetic Evidence for a Divine Creator Defeating Evil - God's Plan Before the Beginning of Time Theological Insight to a Divine Creator

"Take the Red Pill, Neo: Read This Book!  ....a must read for anyone serious about the [lack of] scientific evidence regarding evolution. it on Amazon and read it, the book " evolution - The Greatest Deception in Modern History ."  Evolution: 'It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.'  Take the red pill, read this book, and discover the real world."     

This site was completed after having grown weary of false evolutionary doctrine promoted by public television, national networks and other media, and taught in our public schools. Although "evolutionary theory" does not meet the universally accepted definition of 'theory' or 'hypothesis' or, for that matter, the universally accepted defintion of 'science' (see section, Creation versus Evolution, for definitions), students continue to be taught evolution as “proven fact”—and later in life, they perpetuate th