Description: The gap theory page - a page about creation from the gap theory point of view

creation (1940) creationism (62) creationist (19) young earth (14) old earth (5) gap theory (2)

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Welcome to the gap theory page.

There has been so much separation over who is right and who is wrong, that it tear on the word of God, people dont seem to believe that Jesus says we are to be one with one another, and that this is not a subject like salvation we here are talking about, but a view of Gods word, which might be right, and might be wrong, God knows, the same can be said of the other views also, some things is just best guesses, we might not accept it as such, but our views may be nothing else.

Time and more light can change many things, so it is with this openness that I ask each one of yuo to go about this topic, we are not gods, but men, nothing else, if only people would believe it, humbleness of heart is what matters in the sight of God.