- Cranio-Efficiency – Navigating the murky depths of mini-homesteading

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Lately Leo has taken to say “Two hours! Two hours!” to just about everything and I have no idea what it’s supposed to mean. I get him up from his nap, “Two hours!” Well, that one makes sense. He shows me his dirty hands, “Two hours!” I tell him to come in for dinner, “Two hours!” It’s “two hours” for almost everything and I’m never sure really what he is getting at.

We signed up Ezra for Spring soccer this term. He hasn’t been on a team sport before so it should be interesting to see how he does. The weird thing is, there is no practice, it’s all games. Not sure how they are to learn the rules of the sport if there are no practices.

We came home from a shopping trip the other day to find Keiko pawing at something in the corner of the rocked lavender bed area. Turns out it was a very healthy vole. It looked super soft and I wanted to pet it but it was in turns hissing at Keeks and eating a dead leaf so I decided it probably wasn’t for me. Keiko didn’t seem to know what to do and Jojo was walking over so I picked her up and put her in front of it. She was in stealth mode immediately but didn’t attack it! I was like, it’s right there! And