- The FITNESS CRAFT Blog – The Art and Science of Fitness

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The Art and Science of Fitness

While there are many good cardio machines in gyms , e.g. the Sole F80 treadmill, getting the best equipment for cardio workout is not always easy . What you may not know is that while you can cheat on some cardio equipment, it is almost impossible to cheat on great cardio machines. Even at the most basic level, good cardio machines are highly challenging and assist you to lose weight as well as raise your heart rate. Here are the best cardio machines:

Attention! With 2018 on the horizon we are prepping a whole bunch of updates to our site in general, and to this article in particular. Since we first published this review a few things has happened, Sole Fitness released a new line of treadmills and early next year we will check those out! The Sole Fitness F80 has been updated with a brand new look and now features bluetooth connectivity (among many other minor upgrades). Stay tuned for more in-depth information (coming early 2018).