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I know. Long time no post . I’ll talk about that later. For now, I want to share with you the BEST thing I’ve found in teaching children about finance, freedom, money management, and entrepreneurship – The Tuttle Twins books ! They’re cute stories following the adventures of twins Ethan and Emily Tuttle as they navigate their world, learning about liberty and finance along the way.

We’ve been reading these for about four years now, and my children absolutely love them. We use them as launching points to discuss society, freedom, responsibility, kindness, self-reliance, and finance, and the conversations are rich and rewarding. You’ll love seeing your little ones faces get that ‘mind-blown’ look when they encounter one of the life truths Emily and Ethan discover!

Ethan and Emily are 9 years old at the start of the books, and while showing a bit of rivalry are certainly not mean or rude to each other. In fact, they often act as each others biggest cheerleaders. It’s so nice to see a pleasant sibling relationship in modern books!

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