cpswarm.eu - cpswarm.eu - A Horizon 2020 project on applications of swarm algorithms in Cyber-Physical Systems

Description: A Horizon 2020 project on applications of swarm algorithms in Cyber-Physical Systems

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Our slides from the final workshop in Turin on Unmanned Aerial/Ground Vehicles and Robots that took place in December 2019 are now available. The event was organized by LINKS and the CPSwarm team as a showcase and networking event. The projects presented at the workshop are BONESEYES, CPSwarm, DEIS, CERBERO, […]

The CPSwarm Design Pattern Library (DPL) reflects a living structure of application design and UI design patterns for #swarm applications in cyber-physical systems #CPS In “traditional” pattern collections and pattern languages, expert experience over a long time is collected, structures and finally formulated as patterns. This usually happens after a […]

As CPSwarm moves towards completion, more and more of the software components developed in the project are being released. As part of our commitment to open source and the wider cyber physical systems community, the majority are available at the CPSwarm organization on GitHub under Apache 2.0, AGPL-3.0 or GPL-3.0 […]

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