- COVID-19 Global Hackathon

Description: The #BuildforCOVID19 Global Online Hackathon was an opportunity for developers around the world to tackle challenges related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in March/April 2020. Expert judges from the health, science and technology fields selected the following highlighted projects.

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Innovators around the world were encouraged to use technologies of their choice across a range of suggested themes and challenge areas—some sourced through health partners including the World Health Organization and scientists from the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub.

The hackathon welcomed locally and globally focused software solutions, with support from technology companies and platforms including AWS, Facebook, Giphy, Microsoft, Pinterest, Salesforce, Slack, TikTok, Twitter and WeChat, who shared resources to support participants throughout the submission period.

We consider every participant who dedicated their time and skills to #BuildforCOVID19 a winner. That said, our team of health & technical expert judges have spent the past week considering the viability, potential and scalability of submissions to land on the following highlighted projects.

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