- COVID A Go Go | Musician Collaborations in the Age Of COVID-19

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Welcome to Covid A Go Go, a music project I started in April 2020. The idea was to use my small home recording setup to produce tracks of cover tunes and get friends to sing and/or play on them. Initially it was a way for me to beat boredom during the COVID-19 lockdown and keep contact with my musician friends, but then I got the idea to call attention to organizations offering support to unemployed musicians and service workers. I hope you enjoy the music, and can donate even a little bit to help people wh

And don’t mind the site title. I wanted to remember that music goes on no matter what else is going on in the world. Even with a pandemic at the door, we want to go all a go go anyway.

I’ve included links to all the players’ web sites – visit their sites, buy their merch or music if you can, and when we get back to having actual shows again go and see them . There’s a great music scene here on Long Island, and all of us are longing for the day that we can get back out there and entertain you. Hopefully this site will entertain you a little bit in the mean time.