- Courtland Photography | Northern California and Destination Wedding Photographer

Description: Award winning wedding photography for adventurous couples who value real moments and human connection. Veteran owned. Available worldwide.

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The latest 06. inquire 05. blog 04. EXPERIENCE 03. Portfolio 02. About 01. Home THE INDEX inquire BLOG Experience ABOUT portfolio HOME Northern California wedding photographer Vibrant documentary photography for adventurous couples who value real moments and human connection Serving couples in Sacramento, Napa, Bay Area and destinations world wide

Army veteran. Travel addict. Storyteller . Having been recently married myself, I know that your wedding will be one of the most important chapters of your life's story. It deserves to be documented, showcased and preserved . You deserve someone who goes the extra mile to understand your unique needs, wants and values, and who will showcase your memories with creative, emotional and authentic photography . 

Do you want the same, boring, and generic wedding photography experience your friends had? No, you're here because you want something different. You deserve to have an amazing experience and spend your life's biggest day celebrating it to the fullest. Feel your story!

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