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Fresno, CA  – The Council of Infill Builders released the new report  Financing Valley Infill: How to Boost Sustainable Development in the San Joaquin Valley . Based on an expert convening of state and local officials, architects, real estate investors, developers and advocates, the report recommends options to boost infill housing in San Joaquin Valley downtowns and major transit corridors.

To learn more, view our webinar on the report (co-hosted with Fresno Metro Ministry) featuring a keynote by Thomas Esqueda , City Manager for the City of Fresno, and a panel presentation with:

The report describes the key challenges to financing and permitting infill development in San Joaquin Valley downtowns and major transit corridors. Based on a stakeholder convening and outreach, key barriers to infill include high fees and restrictive local permitting and zoning in infill areas, a dearth of willing sellers for blighted lots, and inadequate infrastructure.