- COTW | Coalition of the Willing

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COTW is a coordinated effort of willing ministries who share strategic data on Christian and church presence with the purpose of planting a church in every people and every place.  If you want to explore working together to plant a church in every place, please fill out the interest form and someone from the Coalition will be in touch.

As we share data with one another at various levels (country, state, district, block, village etc), the gaps become easier to see.   We can begin to see the places where the church has not yet been planted and give priority attention to those locations.  

The sun is rising again on an old idea, giving it fresh life and fresh energy.   Though completion is still decades off we are glimpsing the first rays shinning on the day when the body of Christ can stand and say “Yes, we have worked together to get the gospel to every person and every place.”   We believe we are seeing the first light of a new dawn in the Kingdom: Intentional and strategic data collaboration to get a church in every place and among every people   

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