- Cory Jez

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As the moneyball revolution was revving up in the early 2010’s, Cory was cutting his teeth as a data strategist and consultant, working with Fortune 100 clients across a variety of industries. He has expertise implementing full-stack data ecosystems, from engineering and dev-ops to machine learning and data visualization. His background in consulting and startups like Fanduel allows Cory to bring a modern technology vision to pro sports.

In 2016, Cory took a role leading analytics for the Utah Jazz, growing their department from 1 person to 4 and implementing technology within every aspect of the organization - working closely with the coaching staff, GMs and scouts. In 2020, Cory did the same thing for Austin FC, the newest expansion club within MLS. Having twice designed and implemented full-scale infrastructure for pro teams gives Cory a unique perspective on the intersection of sports, data, and technology.

“Being more data driven as a club ironically has much less to do with models and more to do with full-stack technology”