- Corrosion Defence Rust Control | Corrosion Defence: Professional Rust Protection

Description: Corrosion Defence is committed to produce and provide highly effective corrosion control coatings and systems to protect and maintain all types of vehicles against corrosion. Rustproofing, automotive rust protection, marine rust control, heavy equipment rust protection

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Corrosion Defence has earned an excellent reputation for not just meeting, but exceeding the needs of their Clients and Dealers. We are pleased to offer a wide range of high quality anti-corrosion products, as well as qualified staff members to guide you through the process and setup.


Corrosion is deterioration of useful properties in a material due to reactions with its environment. Many types of metals and  structures are susceptible to condensation, moisture penetrating deeply into cracks and crevices, around fasteners, between joints, under peeling and fractured paint coatings which will cause catastrophic rust problems. Our Corrosion Defence rust Inhibiting systems and solutions have considerably improved corrosion protection and extended service life for many types of vehicles.