- Corine Hair and Beauty - The Hairstyle That Suits Your Face And Taste

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If you love long hair but you can’t wait for yours to grow, maybe we have a solution for you. More and more women are using (semi) permanent hair extensions of various quality so they can have long and beautiful hair instead of waiting for years to grow it. Still, there are a few things you should know before deciding is this fast solution really for you. There are various types of upgrades, and every one of them has its advantages and disadvantages you should know about.

Whatever of the upgrade methods you choose, it’s important to keep it properly maintained and stored. Natural hair is much better than synthetic. It will make your hair better, it will look more natural, it will be easier to stylish and will not look dry and damaged when washing and blowing.

This type of upgrade is done with tiny metal rings that are covered with rubber. They are placed simply with the help of the appropriate pliers, with one grip to close the ring. They are also removed by the opposite move. In this case, there is no glue, and when removing them it is less likely that the hair will be broken. What may be a problem is the inconvenience you may have experienced during sleep while the upgrade is “fresh.”