- Cool Great Website

Description: This is the web zone of sebmal, a dumbo on the computer who likes video games and is definitely not a professional or competent writer. The articles and such within could possibly be bad and rambly,...

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Hello again, website. Been a bit. I’m not gonna get into it too much but this year was straight up the worst year of my life. Will it remain that way with so many years left to come? Who knows, but I’m pretty sure it will at least always be in the running. Sorry to start this off on a bummer but it’s just been a bummer of a year. I have good, tangible reason to believe 2022 will at least be an improvement though. Hopeful for the future and all that. Anyway! One way that this year did not suck was in regard

Shin Megami Tensei V is a cool video game. It is not as cool as Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. I know this applies to most video games created before and since, but it feels relevant to note here, this game being in the same direct series and all.

SMTV’s combat and demon management is absolutely on point. There were some changes I initially didn’t know if I agreed with, like lowering the amount of times buffs/debuffs stack and the introduction of the Essence system, but in the end the gameplay was basically as engaging and challenging as it ever was so all that stuff won me over. What didn’t win me over as much is the move to open areas. In SMTV, the world is made up of a handful of large open areas that you’re meant to platform around in and explore