- Cookie Control from CIVIC | CIVIC UK

Description: Cookie Control by CIVIC is the established GDPR consent management tool for managing your website's cookies.

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Welcome to the home of the original Cookie Control by CIVIC! Cookie Control is the popular consent management tool trusted by the UK ICO and many more governmental institutions and private organizations. Adding Cookie Control on your website provides compliance with GDPR , LGPD and CCPA! Cookie Control is a certified Consent Management Platform by IAB Europe. Cookie Control also supports the DWP Consent to cookies pattern for Drupal 8/9 and Wordpress websites. The DWP pattern is devised by GOV.UK as a set o

Trusted by thousands of organisations, and seen by millions of users each day; Cookie Control presents users with clear information on how their behaviour is to be tracked, and offers simple, intuitive controls for explicitly granting and revoking consent.

Cookie Control aims to prevent cookies from being placed on a user's computer until they have given their explicit consent via an affirmative act. With a recognisable, ever present icon, users can easily manage their consent at any time.