- ICRA 2024 Construction Robotics Workshop

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The $10 trillion global construction industry has traditionally been a labor-intensive industry, yet it stands to benefit from autonomous robots that promise to deliver construction work that is more accurate and efficient compared to manual or conventional methods. However, the integration of automation and robotic technology into the construction workplace is faced with significant barriers including high cost of entry, safety concerns, inadequate training and knowledge about robotics, and poor performanc

To tackle these challenging issues, this workshop aims to facilitate discussion on technology that will enable advanced robotics for future construction workplaces with an emphasis on robust perception and navigation methods, learning-based task and motion planning, and safety-focused robot-worker interactions. In line with the ICRA 2023 Embracing the Future: Making Robots for Humans theme, this workshop will provide a venue for academics and industry practitioners to create a vision for robotics in constru

This workshop aims to bridge the gap between robotics researchers and the construction industry and potentially lead to increased partnerships between academia and industry aimed at improving and enhancing available technology for construction automation. Construction robotics is an emerging topic in robotics that poses new problems and new domains in robotics due to the unstructured and cluttered environment in construction sites. Robotics and automation in construction can play a big part in emerging econ

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