- Connect For Water | Non Profit WASH Initiative - Connect For Water

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This is Jayden. He and his family represent the hundreds of millions of other people around the world who suffer from waterborne illness. Jayden himself has suffered from diarrhea almost every day of his life because the local water he drank was dirty and filled with bacteria that made him sick.

We all want to support efforts to make the world a better place. Considerable work has been done for decades to bring safe water to communities throughout the world, yet the problem has seen little improvement. Hundreds of excellent products exist to filter and/or disinfect water, but they are not easily found or available for purchase in most parts of the world.

This can be done by helping to stimulate local market and businesses; bringing sustainable income delivering these products and services to their communities. This is a demonstration of the sage proverb – “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

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