- Confessions of The Horrible Ex Wife – My point of view on how I handle life as a 40ish divorced woman.

Description: My point of view on how I handle life as a 40ish divorced woman.

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Not with life … oh no… I did that already when I met the man of my dreams, bought a home with him… found the happiness that I have been craving for years! After being with an emotionally, verbally, financially and sometimes physically abusive narcissist for 20 years..! I wanted to start my blog again, which I stopped when him and his girlfriend (now wife) decided to create a fake account to harass me on here … “Angie Belson” was the fake name…. Yes they have actually gone that low. Too bad for them, I was a

Each day after the divorce is a step towards healing. It is so frustrating to me to admit this that the ex-anniversary date is confusing. Because I consider myself happily divorced so why haven’t figured out to handle when this date comes around the calendar each year? Before my first ex-anniversary (probably like most people, who have been divorced), I tried to block that date out of my mind. “The marriage is over. My old anniversary date is just another day on the calendar now.” However of course, I found

Suddenly, there’s a strange stack of emotions to process. What used to be a day of joy is now a day of confusion/anger/resentment/etc. I am sure there are as many ways to cope with this as there are people who have been divorced.  😊