- CONAA | Council on Nursing and Anthropology

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Home About Us What Is CONAA? Officers Bylaws President's Message Publications Membership Opportunities Mentorship Biographies Resources Learn More Our Mission The Council on Nursing and Anthropology is an organization that brings together nurses, anthropologists and others interested in understanding and promoting the health of peoples and cultures around the world through research and practice innovations. Common interests of CONAA members are basic and applied health research, improved health care for vul

The Council on Nursing and Anthropology (CONAA) is an organization for those interested in both nursing and anthropology. We meet each year at the Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA) meetings in the spring. For the past three decades, the Council on Nursing and Anthropology (CONAA) has gathered nurse-anthropologists, nurses and other health care professionals, anthropologists and other health social scientists and friends for scholarly and evidence-based practice initiatives.

To increase our visibility globally through social media and to use the knowledge CONAA has gained from our 35 years of existence to expand our international and local member base. Our redesigned logo, website and Facebook page is intended to help in these efforts.

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