- ACM ISS'18 International Workshop on Computational Augmented Reality Displays (CARD) 2018

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Computational display is an emerging concept of display technology, defined as the joint design of hardware and display optics with computational algorithms and perceptual considerations. Researchers in various fields such as optics, computer graphics, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are actively worked on this topic and overcoming technical limitations of existing displays. Although these new technologies are promising to push interactive surfaces and spaces (ISS) research forward, interact

We invite researchers and visionaries to submit their latest results on any aspects that are relevant for computational AR displays and as well as novel interaction technologies. Contributions of more fundamental work (e.g., perceptual studies and empirical research about displays) are welcome as well as more technical contributions (including best-practice demonstrations, prototype systems, etc.). Position papers and reviews of the state-of-the art and ongoing research are invited, too. Topic areas include

Preparing the submission All submissions must include an extended abstract with a maximum of 6 pages (incl. all figures and references) in the 2014 SIGCHI Extended Abstracts format . The reviewing of abstracts will be single-blind -- that is, your submission should *not* be anonymized but reviewers will remain anonymous to you. All submissions must include author names and affiliations. Authors are recommended to submit their supplementary videos (up to 3 minutes, at most 50 MB in size). The current submiss

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