- Competence City

Description: What skills and interests do employees have in the company - in addition to the qualifications and awards. In addition to these values, we help the company to propose further training in a more targeted manner and to use the training budget more optimally. Let's prepare employees more motivated for projects together - also with future topics and modern technologies. The Competence City is an online platform for companies and employees who want to remain innovative and plan ahead - later also for schoolchild

experience (3408) certification (1858) -mitarbeiter (513) qualification (149) kompetenzmatrix; personalentwicklung; kompetenz; -software; -vor (1) -projektmanagement; iso 9001; skill matrix; kompetenzraster; qua (1) competency matrix; qualification; cloud; software as a service; (1) kompetenzmatrix; personalentwicklung; kompetenz; -software; -vor -projektmanagement; iso 9001; skill matrix; kompetenzraster; qua competency matrix; qualification; cloud; software as a service;

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