- Common Ground Church – Together for the Common Good, for you!

Description: Sunday Morning Worship Location: Reach Out Lodi 10:00am   The Common Ground Church (CGC) equips people for a fulfilling, just life  in the manner and values of Jesus. So, where does Common Ground Church meet?  Besides Sunday mornings at Reach Out Lodi and Facebook Live, Common Ground meets in micro-communities (microchurches) of "two or more" in the…

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Our purpose is rooted in Jesus’ invitation, 

From what does Jesus offer rest? What life can we recover? What are the unforced rhythms of grace? To whom is this invitation made? 

In another translation of this passage, Jesus is inviting folks to find “ rest for your souls .” The invitation is to a life of meaning and healing rooted in promise. In this sense, Jesus is for you! Does this mean Jesus is concerned with only  individual salvation ? What does this life Jesus offers have to do with healing the Earth and all interconnected life, e.g., soul, societies and the soil? (Hint: Everything!)