- Commensalism

Description: Capitalism is parasitic. Commensalism promotes equality while allowing employers to benefit from the labour of employees in a commensal (non intrusive) way.

equality (421) socialism (158) anti capitalism (6) commensalism (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Every life has  equal value > Everyone's time is equally valuable > All wages should be the same > The surplus of labour should be distributed equally. Anker 2 Anker 3 The word commensal means "eating at the same table". The term is used in biology when an organism benefits from another without damaging it. Under capitalism, the business owners profit from the work of the employees. As the owners largely seize the surplus-value of the employee's labour, the resources of society are relentlessly transferred

No matter what work is being done, and whether you are employed, or managing your own business.

Thus all profit can be transferred to the people.