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Description: Mingbo

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At the end of March, I began to apply R to some subjects. There are lots of traps during the programming. Sometimes, it took me hours only found that the speciality of some structures or function. For example, at first, I thought it would be extremely easy when I tried to plot through ggplot in a loop. However, days after I have implemented a serials of plots, I found all the plots have the same outlook. S3 and s4 object as well as vector, list, dataframe sometimes draw me crazy.

When I tried to plot bars, I found there were some strange guys in the several bar plots. Here is the task: I need plot a list of data, each element will be a bar plot. First of all, I initialize the plot parameters as followed:

The descriptions are too long sometimes so that I tried to find a way to cutoff longer strings. That is, to change the log.m\$names = df\$Description line. I searched for substring function and found str_sub from package stringr to finish the job:

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