- Comicart Europe

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Comic Art Europe Join our newsletter A new language for Europe The «Comic Art Europe» project is a pilot project bringing together four European organisations representing different elements of the comic book ecosystem: a higher education institution, festivals and a museum. It aims to strengthen the comic book sector in Europe by experimenting with collaborative working methods. It promotes the transnational mobility of artworks, workers and creators as a means to significantly upscale the work. It prefigu

The project will experiment with professional training (summer camp and residency pathways), creative assistance (grants and residencies), dissemination of results in Europe and outside Europe (European comic book catalogue, large-scale dissemination channels) and mediation around the transformational power of comics (in particular through literacy workshops with comics).

«Comic Art Europe» will enable the participating organisations to test new ways of working together which will strengthen their skills and boost their profile and longevity.