- Studio mastering professionnel en ligne analogique Paris/Barcelone

Description: Studio mastering professionnel en ligne analogique Paris/Barcelone, Stéréo, Stems et mix online (Mixing Mastering), Vinyle EQ, DDP, E mastering Depuis 2008

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Mobile: +33 (0)6 12 36 06 85

David immersed himself in hip-hop culture in 1984. He buys himself turntables and becomes a DJ. He organised parties, took part in graffiti competitions and became a BMX fan. Then, at the age of twenty, the turning point came: during a long stay in London, David discovered electronic music. It was 1990, it was new, everything was to be done in this genre. From one day to the next, he put away his bicycle, spray paint cans and hip-hop music and became interested only in electronic music.

It is only in 1998, that David and Florent decide to join forces to make music and two years later set up their labels Denote Records, followed by a great year with the group Oscar and then they joined the team in 2004 at TopMaster, a large French mastering studio, to leave in 2009 and set up ColorSound Studio with Florent Sabaton. The adventure extends to Barcelona with the opening of a second studio in August 2019...

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