- Collingwood Family Law | Devry Smith Frank LLP

Description: Call our Collingwood family lawyers team at DSF. Our lawyers in Collingwood have extensive experience in a variety of family law areas such as simple divorce, separation agreements, marriage contracts, cohabitation agreements and more

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Our Collingwood family lawyers at Devry Smith Frank LLP (‘DSF’) understands the delicate nature and need for compassion when dealing with matters between spouses, children and relatives. We handle a wide range of family law issues such as child custody, child support, marriage contracts and more – including preventative matters like prenuptial agreements and similar contracts.

There are primarily three grounds for divorce in Ontario:

Meaning, that the separation of the spouses for at least a year could be reasonable grounds for a divorce. The acts of cruelty or adultery might come in many different types and forms which could also be a contributing factor. The majority of divorces are granted based on separation.