- Colin L. Soskolne's Web Site

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A presentation by Colin Soskolne to the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association entitled Conflict-of-interest: Problems and solutions: Part I by Zoom platform on October 26, 2021.

What we have learned and to what end is the final of a seven-part webinar series under the theme Could Human Misery in the World be Reduced by Breaking the Chains of Repression and Revenge? This is a 2-hour webinar video recording hosted by the Joline Young Heritage Consultancy through a Zoom platform on October 17, 2021, and moderated by Colin Soskolne.

The 1-hour and 26-minute video-recording of the Zoom webinar Science is misused in support of dominant interests: How and Why? delivered by Colin Soskolne to the Joline Young Heritage Consultancy (JYHC) on October 3, 2021 is now available here .