- Julius Caesar Authentic Ancient Coins for Sale to Buy on eBay

Description: Authentic ancient Julius Caesar coins for sale from a trusted ancient coin expert and dealer, avaialable to buy from his shop on eBay.

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  Julius Caesar Dictator of Roman Republic Authentic Ancient Roman Coins Available to Buy from a Trusted Ancient Coin Dealer & Biography Buy certified authentic coins of Julius Caesar  

Julius Caesar - Roman Dictator - Coin of:

Julius Caesar - Roman Dictator - LIFETIME ISSUE PORTRAIT Silver Denarius (18mm, 3.01gm.) Rome: February-March 44 B.C. P. Servillius Macer, moneyer. Reference: CRI 107D; RRC 480/13 CAESAR DICT PERPETVO - Wreathed and Veiled head of Julius Caesar right. P. SEPVLLIVS MACER, Venus standing left, holding victory in palm of right and and grasping scepter with left, shield on ground leaning against scepter, dotted border.

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