- Cryptocurrency prices, information, charts and market capitalization of cryptocurrencies | Coin Liq

Description: View real-time prices for top cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrencies charts, market capitalization and trading volume.

information (7898) cryptocurrency prices (20) charts and market capitalization of cryptocurrencies (1)

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The value of currencies is calculated based on the data received from the crypto-exchanges where a particular cryptocurrency is traded and we form the value based on the open sources.

The direct link and real time exchange rate calculations provide Coinliq users with up-to-date cryptocurrency, altcoin, token and bitcoin market rates in real time without delay.

The mission of is to educate about the cryptocurrency market and provide relevant information not only about rates and historical data about cryptocurrencies. On the portal you will find a blog, a glossary and all the necessary information and terminology to become enlightened in the field of crypto technology and blockchain.