- Coherence Theory | Choose Truth

Description: Choose Truth

Example domain paragraphs

There is a lot of disinformation out there. Basically, untrue statements are put out there as facts, and then faulty logic is used to rationalize them.

You can’t fact check everything even if you wanted to. And you don’t have the same resources as an investigative journalist. You have to protect your brain – once you have let a wrong idea in it will fester in there, even if you know it isn’t true, and it will influence your thinking.

So when you find a source of information that is deliberately producing disinformation, then stop using it. I’m not talking about being wrong because nothing is perfect. When a news source makes a mistake, if they deal with it appropriatly by apoligizing, and firing or reprimanding the people involved that is forgivable as long as it doesn’t happen too often.